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Updating Business Details
Updated over 2 months ago

You can update your business details within the Manage Account area. You can access this by selecting Settings from the main navigation menu, then clicking Manage Account from the drop down options, as shown below:

You can use the Business Details area to update relevant information, as well as to check the standards that you are currently enrolled in. Here is an example:

You can see in the above example that the business is located at Compliance House, has an active OneClickComply account, and that they are enrolled in the Cyber Essentials standard. Enrolled Standards refer to the standards or frameworks that you are looking to achieve or maintain for your business.

Underneath this section there are two options: Update and Delete

Using the Update button, you can change your company's logo, address and name.

Using the Delete button, you can submit for account for deletion. This action can only be completed by the account Owner, other account levels will not have this option available to them.

Note: If you need to change the compliance standards that you are managing, please contact a member of the OneClickComply team, as this cannot be changed within the platform.

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